Category Archives: Special Events

“Special Events” at our church

November 27: Advent Wreath Making Event

Advent begins in less than two weeks! Help prepare your heart and home for this joy-and-hope-filled season by joining us for an Advent wreath making event on Sunday, November 27th after worship. We’ll share a light lunch together, followed by decorating advent wreaths for your home. If you have a wreath frame left over from a previous year, bring that to decorate. However, if you need a frame, we will happily supply that for you. Please sign up by Sunday November 20 on the list in the Gathering Space, or by calling the Church Office.advent-preparations

Service of Installation for Pastor Caitlin

14188505_1274155732603184_3716506593781506738_oSunday, October 30 at 4 PM at Zion’s 

“She has been called to be among us to baptize, to teach, and to forgive sins…She has been called to be among us to proclaim the good news…She has been called to be among us to preside at the Lord’s supper…”

Come, join us for a worship of installation as we officially install Pastor Caitlin as our Pastor! Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is RED. A reception will follow in the Social Hall.

Treat Street: An Indoor Trick or Treat Experience

trick-or-treat-2016Wednesday, October 26

Dinner at 5:30

Trick or Treating at 5:45 PM

Joyful Spirits Worship at 6:15

Please join us, in COSTUME, for an indoor Trick or Treat experience. We will have games, candy, fellowship, and fun!

Pizza will be available for a suggested donation of $2/adult, $1/child

Come for the treats – stay for our Joyful Spirits Worship after!
**there will be no Kings Kids or Bible Study

Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors!
If possible, RSVP, so we can plan accordingly!

Want to decorate/host a booth? Bake and donate a treat to sell? Can’t make it, but want to donate candy to give away?

Call/Text Monica at 717-679-2583 or visit us on Facebook