Category Archives: GOOD NEWS from Zion’s

August 2020 Good News

Dear Members and Friends of Zion’s:

God’s grace and peace be with you this August day. As promised, today I share more stories of Good News that testify to God’s continued work in and through our congregation during this pandemic. This time, instead of telling these stories through my eyes, I have asked members of our community to describe how they have experienced God’s love, care, and transformative hope through Zion’s ministries. THANK YOU for all the ways you support God’s work with your participation, prayers, finances, and in-kind contributions. Together we are experiencing and embodying Christ’s love for the world, despite the uncertainty and fears that surround us.

“Outdoor worship has allowed me the opportunity to bring my mother to worship. Because of health issues, it’s been a while since she has been able to physically come to church. My mother and I are grateful to share this worship experience together.” ~John

Reflecting on the morning we spent serving at Wittel Farm: “It was great to be able to get together with others from church and see both adults and children working as one. Despite it being a very hot and humid day outside we were able to harvest many vegetables including peppers and zucchinis. We also picked the dead leaves off of the ever growing tomatoes.  Thank you, God, for allowing us all to get together to do some good for those in need. ~Pam

I am grateful for the faithfulness of our congregation in sharing God’s love and care for those in our community. Through our continued support of Back to School Blessings, Power Packs, and JOY Pantry, we are helping our neighbors in very real, tactile ways. By offering a variety of service options, we are providing ways to continue spread the good news of Jesus– whether it is to people who are states away, watching our livestreams, those who are quarantined listening to the service over the phone, or first-time visitors who see our worship outside the building and want to join in.  ~Joanna

Even though we don’t have the familiar routine of getting together and socializing, I have seen how people care about each other.   Emails, cards, and greetings have added happiness to a day.   Also, the amount of time and thought that people have put into fixing up the church and planning the right way to meet during this crisis has also touched me greatly. ~Linda W

I would like to say thank you to Zion’s, the Compassion Fund was a great help to me during these times of shut down. I was unemployed due to covid-19 and had exhausted my savings. I was in need of rent money and Zions came through. I appreciate  Pastor Caitlin and the council of Zions and all of our members for all that they do for everyone  ~A Recipient of Zion’s COVID Compassion Fund

Our family has continued to see God’s work in our congregation through acts of kindness and service by church members. Members have dropped us off baked goods, snacks, and vegetables. We have also received letters and postcards that we enjoy reading from church members. I also enjoy the random “thinking of you” text messages I receive.  ~The Bush Family

God is working through Zion’s COVID Task Force every day to keep us all safe. They have the experience and expertise to make appropriate decisions for our protection. We are truly blessed to have them to depend on. Thanks be to God! ~Linda T

My wife and I are specifically grateful for all of the time and hard work that has gone into the online worship services.  Not just for Pastor Caitlin (who does most of it!), but also for Jim Cascarino for continuing to generously offer his time and talents, and for the many congregational members who offered video readings and music.  Your collective efforts have enabled us to continue to feel connected to our church family and have helped make our separation from you all a bit less troubling.  ~Thanks, Jim

Soon after we were on “stay home” edict, I got an email from Lutheran World Relief looking for pledges for masks for vulnerable communities around the world to cut the risks for Covid19. I immediately felt this was something I could do and maybe others at Zion’s would feel the same. I sent out an email to some members I knew could sew. To my amazement, seven ladies pledged a total of 500 masks. When Mission Ministry’s Spaghetti Miracle had to be cancelled, I was able to use the Action Team money for fabric, elastic and thread to supplement the awesome generosity of these ladies. This enforced my feelings that when there is a need, Zion’s folks do what God wants us to do: Love God, Love One Another. ~Elaine

Pr. Caitlin, Just a quick note of thankfulness. I want to thank Zion’s for taking care of my rent for one month through the church’s COVID Compassion Fund. It was a tremendous help! This COVID pandemic truly has had a big impact on all of us, and I am so very grateful for our church community. God is good! ~A recipient of Zion’s COVID Compassion Fund

WellSpan Good Samaritan Hospital organized a Card Campaign Shower to show our collective support for those nursing home residents who may not be having as much contact with their loved ones. I immediately reached out to members of Zion’s who readily, and so generously donated over 120 cards!  The hospital’s goal was to provide 240 cards and we well surpassed that goal.  A big THANKS to all who took the time to fill out these notes of encouragement; the heart of generosity is strong at Zion’s! Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.  ~Debbie

I have seen God at work through our congregation’s commitment to continuing Power Packs, in partnership with Jonestown Elementary School, throughout the summer. God provides the food through the Power Packs program, which is then distributed through the hands of members of our congregation. I’ve seen firsthand how this weekly program helps ensure growing bodies have adequate nutrition. ~Jean

April 2020 Good News

Dear Friends:

With great joy I share with you stories of the amazing work God is doing in and through our congregation. Though we are physically distanced from each other, we are still living our purpose: Gathered by God’s grace, we are empowered to serve, and sent to share Christ’s love in the world. Some of these stories I’ve shared in bits and pieces in sermons, Facebook posts, and Bible studies, but I wanted to take the opportunity to put them all in one place in order to praise God for God’s faithfulness, thank you for your generosity, prayers, care, and support that has made this work possible, and invite your further partnership in loving and serving our neighbors during these challenging weeks.

The day I heard that Northern Lebanon schools for closing (for the initial two week time frame), I contacted Mr. Rizzo at Jonestown Elementary to let him know that we would do whatever it took to continue distributing Power Packs (bags of food that go home on Thursday afternoons with students who receive free/reduced price lunches during the week. Zion’s provides 95% of the volunteers for this weekly distribution). He was grateful for that support, and we have been distributing food every Thursday afternoon, in partnership with Power Packs and the schools. We pick up the food from a warehouse in Lebanon, package it into bags for each family, and distribute it ‘drive thru’ style at Jonestown Elementary. Before COVID-19, we were distributing about 20 packs a week. It has grown every week (now we distribute to students of every elementary school in the district), with last week’s count 39 families. “Thank you, thank you, thank you”, one grandmother said, “I was completely out of milk, and money”. Another family says, “We have eight people in our house right now, and the kids are always hungry. Thank you for this.”

That same week, when I naively thought this isolation would last a mere two weeks, the idea for Evening Prayer arose as an opportunity for our members to hear from one another and be grounded in God’s truth. And, our daily Evening Prayers have definitely been that. But, by the grace of God, they have become so much more. These Evening Prayer videos are being shared widely with friends and neighbors and are touching more lives with the Good News of God’s grace and promise than we could have ever imagined. Each Evening Prayer video has been viewed at least 140 times (and some have more than 1000!!) People have reported “those videos really keep me going” and “we watch every night and look forward to them”. At one Power Packs distribution, a woman asked me “Oh, you’re the Pastor of the church doing all those evening videos! I’ve been watching them, and really appreciate them. It’s so good to hear from other people about how they are surviving these days”.

While I know we would all rather be gathering in-person with each other, sharing hugs and smiles, and singing together, these weeks of mandated virtual gatherings have provided incredible evangelism (sharing the Good News) opportunities. While we have offered our worship services online for several years, right now, our services are being shared more widely than ever, and people have been so receptive to them. For example: Our Easter worship was viewed over 600 times, and Good Friday more than 500 times. The Holy Week Kid’s Message, with a special word about the end of the school year, was shared and viewed 563 times. Some of you have created “Watch Parties” on Facebook, and have discovered long-lost friends tuning in, from places as far away as New Zealand! Over and over we’ve heard “that was so comforting” and “thank you, I needed to hear that I wasn’t alone” and “our church isn’t able to do anything like this, thank you for providing this opportunity for worship”. One of our members shared the Easter worship service with a friend whose brother died on Easter morning and reported “that message of resurrection happening while it was still dark was so appropriate [for my friend] Our worship services are being spread further than we know”. And, remarkably, our physical distance hasn’t stopped many, many voices and faces from being a part of worship preparation—thank you to all who have recorded videos or sent in photos.

Of course, we aren’t just reaching beyond our walls—we are also serving and caring for our congregation in beautiful and powerful ways. Every time we gather in prayer, we pray for healthcare workers by name, together with others on the frontline, and those who are sick or grieving. And so many cards are being sent! One day, I received an envelope stuffed with 22 handwritten and stamped cards, ready to be sent to our frontline workers. Another day, a bag of 20+ handmade cards were left on my front porch. When one of the Emergency Department managers at Good Samaritan opened a card created by one of Zion’s younger members, he remarked “this little girl must really love us”, when Debbie Long (who delivered the card) asked “Why do you say that?” He said, “It’s not just what she wrote—but that she used all of her precious stickers on one card!” From young(er) to old(er), we are doing our best to love and serve one another in unprecedented times.

And the examples of service go on: I’ve got a list of people ready to shop for groceries or pick up prescriptions, as needed (please let me know if this would be helpful to you!). One of our homebound members was very concerned that she couldn’t find antibacterial soap; while it took some searching, another member found and delivered a bottle nearly as big as the woman is! which should last her many years beyond this pandemic. One of our members is working a longer, and different, shift at the hospital, and needed some childcare help. One of our families offered to watch her kids, with another offering to pick up school lunches for everyone in the house, and another dropping off extra snacks. That, friends, is the power and beauty of community.

In these difficult, and uncertain times, the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that we share are signs and ways of trusting that we will make it through these days together. Zion’s is grateful for your financial and prayerful support that makes ministry possible, always, and especially now, and we invite your ongoing partnership. THANK YOU for sharing your offering via Simply Giving, Paypal, and old fashion snail mail, and THANK YOU for those who designated Thrivent Choice dollars towards our ministry—totaling $427! We are also grateful for the extra gifts that established our COVID Compassion Fund to help support those facing unemployment or other financial concerns. Many of us will soon be receiving stimulus checks from our government designed to provide relief for those who have lost income; if your financial situation has remained unchanged during these weeks, I encourage you think about sharing all, or part, of the check with Zion’s, JOY Pantry , LCCM, or another organization caring for the vulnerable in these weeks. To support God’s work thru Zion’s, you can always mail a check to PO Box 658, Jonestown PA 17038, arrange to drop an envelope with Cathy Houser (717 865 2128) or visit to give electronically.

Finally, a really cool story of generosity: Someone in our congregation wanted to make a $6,000 contribution towards our “Renew, Restore, Remain” campaign to get us through these months before we can launch a more concentrated Capital Campaign response. They mailed the check to me…but the mail ate most of it. I had to ask them to write another check, and in the time it took me to ask, they saw that Thrivent was offering a $1-for-$2 match for designated giving. They opted to give through that venue, which netted an extra $3,000 for Zion’s! A pretty great “bad check” story, if you ask me!

This letter is longer than I intended, but these are stories that deserve to be celebrated and shared. THANK YOU for all the ways you continue to BE the Church in these weeks of separation and isolation. I can’t wait until we can safely gather again to sing praise and share in the Lord’s Supper, but, until then, I give thanks for you, and your response to God’s grace that continues to empower and send us to share Christ’s love in the world.

In hope,   Pastor Caitlin

June 2020 Good News

Dear Friends:

In last Sunday’s Pentecost worship service, we sang “I am the Church, you are the Church, we are the Church together…all who follow Jesus, all around the world, YES we’re the Church together!” and I shared snapshots of how Zion’s is continuing to be the body of Christ in the world, even in these weeks of separation. I wanted to take the opportunity today to share more stories of God at work through our congregation, thank you for your support, and invite your continued partnership in loving and serving our neighbors, near and far during these challenging weeks.

We are continuing to feed families in our community through our partnerships with Power Packs, Jonestown Outreach Pantry (JOY), and Lebanon County Christian Ministries. For eleven weeks (and counting) Zion’s has picked up Power Pack food in Lebanon, sorted the food into bags for each of the forty families, and then distributed the food alongside staff from each of the Northern Lebanon elementary schools. Our “Summer Session” begins tomorrow, which will continue to feed families for the next three months. Every week we hear “Thank you so much, I can’t wait to see what’s in here!” and “My kids look forward to trying these new recipes” and “Thank you! My children are bottomless pits these days!”

Your generous gifts to Zion’s COVID Compassion Fund have allowed us to purchase fresh fruit and milk for clients at JOY Pantry, which we plan to continue to supply for families with children.  They also purchased about twenty carrot peelers and a can opener for Power Pack families, which will make it easier for families to use the fresh produce and canned goods that are often provided in these packs. We have also received a donation of baking sheets that will be distributed this summer and have plans to purchase paring knives. These simple kitchen tools help local families prepare healthier meals, which we know contributes to a child’s overall wellbeing. The COVID Compassion Fund has also purchased a grocery gift card for a single parent home with three children, provided rent assistance for someone whose work hours have been substantially cut because of the virus, and contributed towards an appreciation luncheon for the nursing staff at Spang Crest as they tirelessly care for some of the most vulnerable in our community. THANK YOU for your generosity and the ways it provides a tangible sign of God’s love and care for people enduring difficult times.

The people of Zion’s are sharing time and talent to do the work of God, too. Together we made 20 isolation gowns for Luther Acres in Lititz which will help protect healthcare workers until the rest of their shipment of personal protection equipment (PPE) arrives, sometime in August. We are also in the process of making 500 (!!) cloth masks for Lutheran World Relief which will be shipped to people living in countries around the world where access to clean water and soap is limited, and where “social distancing” is nearly impossible.

While the school year certainly didn’t wrap up as expected, Zion’s is serving the students in our care until the very end. We’ve dropped off Release Time (Bible education for 3rd graders at Jonestown Elementary school) Bibles with the students’ teachers so that they can pick them up when they retrieve their personal belongings. Missy, our Preschool Director, has been distributing packets of lessons and activities for our preschool families, creating opportunities for continued learning and exploration, and plans are underway for a socially distanced graduation parade to celebrate this milestone. Preschool families have expressed gratitude for these creative responses to our current situation and say that this commitment to serving the children is emblematic of the Zion’s Preschool culture. We are grateful for the students God has entrusted to our care and privileged to continue serving in these circumstances.

The work of God through Zion’s has never been limited to our immediate community; it continues to span our nation and world through our participation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For example, back in 2015-2016, your financial support of the general fund enabled Zion’s to sponsor Ralen Robinson as she served as a Young Adult in Global Mission in Jerusalem. A few weeks ago, Ralen graduated from United Lutheran Seminary with a Masters of Divinity degree; soon she will be serving as a parish pastor. In a small way, we got to be a part of God’s work in her life and contributed to the growth and development of another pastor who will serve the Church for many years to come. A portion of your general fund contributions also goes to support Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR), one of the first organizations on the ground after a disaster hits, and one of the last to leave. In response to COVID 19, LDR has provided financial aid to over 100 feeding ministries, particularly in communities with high rates of poverty.  Together, we are doing the work of God by serving and loving our neighbors, wherever they are found.

It’s clear that we are living the Good News in deed. Importantly, we also continue to preach the Good News in Word. Over the past eleven weeks, we have offered 34 Evening Prayer opportunities (with a Summer Series on the Fruit of the Spirit beginning this week), 25 worship services, and many Bible studies. New people, looking for hope and some Good News amid so much difficult news, are tuning in, in addition to our regular worshipers. We also recently added a “Call for Church” option that allows people without internet to listen in to our Sunday worship services, and we mail bulletins and sermons to those without internet. This may not be how any of us envisioned ministry, but God’s work of loving and serving, teaching and leading, will not be thwarted. God is finding a way, through us.

The final “Pandemic” verse of the song we sang on Pentecost says “Though we may now be scattered, the Church is open wide, the Spirit’s working through us, all we need God will provide”. It’s clear that God’s Holy Spirit is blowing through our congregation, “empowering us to serve” and “sending us to share Christ’s love”, just as our purpose statement says.  THANK YOU for sharing your gifts of time, talent, money, and prayer, all of which makes ministry possible. We invite your ongoing partnership as we walk with God and one another into the future. To contribute financially: use the enclosed envelopes to mail a check to PO Box 658, Jonestown PA 17038, arrange to drop an envelope with Cathy Houser (717 865 2128), bring offering to the communion service on Sunday June 14, or visit to give electronically. If you have received a stimulus check, designed to provide relief for those who have lost income, and your financial situation has remained unchanged during these weeks, I encourage you think about sharing all, or part, of the check with Zion’s, JOY Pantry, LCCM, Lutheran Disaster Response, Lutheran World Relief, or another organization caring for the vulnerable in these weeks. Together, with God and one another, we will make it through this storm.

In hope, and with deep gratitude, Pastor Caitlin

December 2020 Good News

                                                                                                                                           December 14, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Zion’s:

God’s grace and peace be with you this day! During Advent, we watch and wait for the coming of Jesus—remembering with thanksgiving His birth over 2000 years ago, trusting His daily presence in our lives right here and now, and anticipating His return at some point in the future. This year, of course, Advent looks and feels different, and we may find holding on to these promises difficult. With you, I am grieving the loss of beloved traditions and time with family, and worried about the health of our congregation and friends and family. Some days the news is simply overwhelming. But week in and week out, I also get to witness God’s incredible work in and through our congregation; work that assures me of Jesus’ presence and love right here and right now, and work that fills me with hope for God’s coming Kingdom. During these Advent weeks of waiting, as we approach the end of 2020, I wanted to take a moment to share these stories of GOOD NEWS with you, praying that they will encourage and fill you with hope, and say thank you for your financial and prayerful support that helps make these ministries possible.

This fall our Congregational Care team packed care packages for our college and seminary students, as well as for members of our congregation who are currently serving with the military away from home. One of our college students responded to the package by writing, “These times are definitely crazy, but I am so glad to be connected to such a caring church.”

As COVID cases, and hospitalizations rose, we wanted to do something to encourage and thank local healthcare workers. Through your generosity, we were able to provide eighty handwritten cards and notes, together with bags of freshly baked cookies and care packages filled with comfy t-shirts and fuzzy socks, to Wellspan Good Samaritan’s COVID units, the emergency department and environmental services. A member who works in administration at Wellspan says these were a huge source of support at just the right time. We plan to continue outreach to healthcare workers into 2021.

We held our annual “Fill-A-Sill” campaign for JOY Pantry during the month of November, collecting nearly 400 pounds of food including lots of items for holiday baskets and this cart full of hams! (The hams were purchased with a $250 Thrivent Action Team card…if you are a Thrivent benefits members and still have 2020 Action Team cards to use, please contact me so we can brainstorm a project or two before the year is over!)

Through your generosity to the COVID Compassion Fund, we were able to offer two weeks pay to hourly workers who were quarantining because of COVID and unable to work. Many people who are part-time employees have no, or little, sick leave, and yet are on the frontlines caring for some of the most vulnerable in our community. It is a blessing to have these funds available to share as needed. We were also able to provide a coat and blanket to someone who needed them.

As I write this, Angel Tree gifts are being returned, together with contributions to purchase soap and personal protective equipment through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your generosity to our local and global neighbors in these challenging times. We also continue to facilitate the Power Packs program at Jonestown Elementary School, serving about 18 families each week.

Last month we launched the funding phase of our Renew, Restore, Remain Capital Campaign, which was approved in January 2020 as an $80,000 endeavor to replace all three A/C units in the sanctuary, install an efficient heating/cooling unit in the Pastor’s Office, re-coat the Social Hall roof, repair and paint the cracked molding on the sanctuary ceiling, and pay off the $25,000 of debt that remained on the Social Hall renovations completed a few years ago. Many THANKS to all who returned a commitment form; your gifts to date, and commitments for the next three years totaled just over $39,000, bringing us halfway to our goal! Your contributions will help ensure Zion’s building is safe and hospitable now and for generations to come.

Last week, Zion’s Touching Tomorrow Endowment Fund awarded $17,979 in grants to 12 organizations and causes including: Zion’s Preschool’s scholarship fund, the Lutheran Camping Corporation, Compeer, Al’s Bike Drive, Lebanon County Christian Ministries, Brittany’s Hope, medical bills, support of our seminarian, Zion’s Capital Campaign, Northern Lebanon Fire and Emergency Services, a 2021 project to encourage healthcare workers, and Zion’s Back to School Blessings event. What a gift this endowment is!

To date, we have offered over 40 online worship services and about 100 Evening Prayer opportunities. We recently debuted a new camera set-up in the sanctuary which seems to be working very well—I encourage you to check out our YouTube channel “Zions Jonestown” if you haven’t already! We continue to meet weekly on Zoom for Rejoicing Spirits worship, and inside and outside (yes! we are still meeting outside!) for worship following all CDC and PA COVID precautions. This is not how ANY of us wanted, or imagined 2020, might be, but by the grace of God and the creative power of the Holy Spirit, the work of God through the Church has continued, and even grown. I give thanks to God every day for the work God has entrusted to our care.

And, I give thanks to God for YOU: your prayers, your flexibility and willingness to make sacrifices out of care for our community, your faith in being not afraid to live into this new reality, and for your financial support that has enabled us to adapt our ministries so quickly. If you would like to make an end-of-year gift to our General Fund, Capital Campaign, or to the COVID Compassion fund, we would welcome, and be so grateful for, your partnership. Contributions can be brought to Sunday or Christmas Eve worship, made online (visit ) or mailed to Zion’s Lutheran Church, PO Box 658 Jonestown PA 17038. A reminder that 2021 Offering Envelopes are available for pick-up on Sundays or in the gray tote outside Zion’s kitchen doors, and, if you are experiencing financial difficulty because of COVID, we do have financial support to share with you. Please be in touch with me; we would be glad to help in this way.

I pray that this snippet of GOOD NEWS brings you HOPE today. Even as we watch and wait for Christ’s coming among us, we know that He is already here in our midst—sharing love, offering peace, creating community, and building the Kingdom of God on earth. I look forward to continuing this ministry with you in 2021 (and pray that some of it may return to ‘normal’!) and hope to worship with you in some way on Christmas Eve. Our worship services that day will include:

  • A Traditional Service available all day on YouTube or by calling 1-844-912-3488
  • Christmas Under the Trees: Noon Worship Service in Zion’s Parking Lot
  • Christmas Under the Stars: 5 PM Worship Service in Zion’s Cemetery

May the peace of Christ fill your hearts and home this Advent and Christmas season.

In hope,
Pastor Caitlin Kurtz