Outreach Overview

Our church embodies our mission statement:  “Reflecting Christ, we are called to share God’s gifts.”   We have a variety of ministries that help us discover and receive God’s gifts; we also have a variety of ministries that help us share our gifts.  Any ministry we do is an opportunity for God to bless us and for us to share those gifts with others.  You could really say that all of our ministries are “Outreach” but we wanted to highlight a few that reach out beyond our walls.  On this section we are highlighting some of these ministries..

Be sure to check out our youth page — they do a lot of outreach!  We also have a lego club worth looking at too.  For a more complete picture of ways you can serve others through Zion’s, we encourage you to browse our newsletters.  Finally, we partner with a number of organizations in and outside of the Lutheran church to enable us to Share God’s Gifts.